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Getting started

Minimum requirements

  • react-native >= 0.63.0


Add @kilohealth/rn-fitness-tracker to your dependencies list by running command:

npm install @kilohealth/rn-fitness-tracker

Install peer dependencies

These dependencies are needed for checking and requesting android permissions.

npm install react-native-device-info react-native-permissions

Install cocoapods

Now in the terminal go to the iOS folder and run the following command to install pods:

pod install


To use HealthKit and Google fit you must first specify that your app requires access to HealthKit and Google Fit.


Adding usage descriptions

Open your project's Info.plist and add the following lines inside the outermost <dict> tag:

<!-- ... -->

<!-- Fitness tracker -->
<string>Reason string goes here</string>

<!-- Health tracker -->
<string>Reason string goes here</string>
<string>Reason string goes here</string>

<!-- ... -->


Adding permissions

Open your project's AndroidManifest.xml and add the following lines inside the <manifest> tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION"/>

Setting up Google Fit API permissions

  1. Make sure your Google account has access to app Firebase project.

  2. Create an OAuth screen for your project.

  3. Select User Type: External and fill out the form. Add to Scopes for Google APIs.

  4. Fill out next popup forms with a brief explanation why you're using the activity tracker (no need to write much).

  5. Go to Google console (note: select the correct project at the top)

  6. Select your app's project, Continue, and Credentials and select Create credentials -> Create OAuth client ID.

  7. Where will you be calling the API from? Select Android.

  8. What data will you be accessing? Select User data and click next.

  9. The Signing-certificate fingerprint generation command must be pointed to your app release / staging keystore file.

  10. Save and submit everything. If you haven't got your google services config inside your app - download your google-services.json file from Firebase console and place it inside android/app directory within your project.


For authorization to work in debug mode(locally), you must add credentials to Google Console with SHA-1 key from debug.keystore.
For production build to work, you must add credentials to Google Console with SHA-1 key from release.keystore.

Google Fit Authorization Error Codes

10 - Developer error - The application is misconfigured, usually meaning the credential setup is incorrect.
12500 - Sign in failed - The sign in attempt didn't succeed with the current account. This may also occur with the incorrect credentials, for example the credentials are deleted from Google Console. But this error code may indicate other problems.